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About Troop 315


Troop 315 boys (0315) and girls (6315) troop meet every Monday year‐round with the exception of major holidays and during summer camp. Our meetings generally start at 7:00 p.m. and end at 8:30 p.m. The Patrol Leaders’ Council (PLC) meets each Monday before the regular meeting.


The Senior Patrol Leader and the Patrol Leaders’ Council lead the Troop. Our Senior Patrol Leaders are elected for a one‐year term each February. He/She appoints about three Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders, three Troop Quartermasters, and the other Troop leadership positions.  Patrol elections occur every six months. Patrols are led by a Patrol Leader, Assistant Patrol Leader, Scribe, and Quartermaster.


The Scoutmaster is appointed to a three‐year term.  Erik France became Scoutmaster of the Boy’s Troop in January 2021 and appointed seven Assistant Scoutmasters. Marj Sell became the Scoutmaster of the Girl’s Troop in January 2022 and appointed nine Assistant Scoutmasters.  Their specific roles are Patrols and Instruction, Advancement, Outdoor Program, First Year Scout Program, Quartermaster, Technology, and Chaplain.  There are a number of other volunteer positions for adults to help round out the Program.


Scouts who join our Troop are organized into roughly same‐age Patrols and are led by Troop Guides under the advisement of the Assistant Scoutmaster for the First-Year Scout Program. We have an effective advancement program that is designed to get actively participating Scouts close to the rank of First Class by the end of their first year.


Troop 315 has camped monthly since organizing in March 1993. The Girl’s Troop has camped every month since its inception on February 1st, 2019.  We have two trailers to haul each Patrol’s tents, kitchen box, stove, lantern, dining fly, propane, and other basic equipment.  Scouts provide their own mess kit, sleeping bag, ground pad, and personal gear. Summer camp is spent at H. Roe Bartle Scout Reservation near Osceola, Missouri. We participate in both the Order of the Arrow and Mic‐O‐Say honor camping organizations.


Older Scouts in Troop 315 have frequent opportunities for high adventure. We frequently participate in backpacking treks to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico, have attended Sea Base in Florida for a sailing adventure, gone canoeing at Northern Tier in Canada, and been to Rocky Mountain High Adventure Base (formerly known as Packard) in Colorado for white water rafting and other mountain activities.


Troop 315 has a one‐time joining fee (which can be reimbursed when you reach Eagle), and annual dues. Each family has a Troop account to hold their deposits, and campouts and other costs are debited from it as needed. Camping scholarships are available. We usually participate in popcorn sales and several other fundraisers each year that can help a Scout earn his way. We generally do not have Troop fundraisers to benefit the Troop unless we need to make a major purchase.


The deadline for campout signup is two weeks before the campout. Adults who camp with us must be registered with the BSA and complete BSA training requirements. Troop Leadership is trained and we encourage all adults to seek additional training.  We wear Class A field uniform after Labor Day until Memorial Day, and Class B T‐shirts in the summer.


We have about 70 registered Scouts in the Boy’s Troop and 13 in the Girl’s Troop.  In the Boy’s Troop, we maintain around 6 Patrols. The Girl’s Troop has a seven-member Senior Patrol and a six-member Scout Patrol. We allow our Scouts to adjust Patrol membership yearly.  On campouts, adults camp separately from the Scouts and are organized as the “Growley Bear” Patrol. When Scouts turn 18, they become “Teddy Bears” and are part of the adult Patrol. We typically have over 70 adults registered with the Troop.


Monday meeting announcements are important, but we’ll keep you well‐informed in other ways, too.  Weekly Troop-wide emails help keep Scouts and parents informed of upcoming events.  An online calendar is also available for a monthly or yearly view of Troop events.  We may publish a Troop newsletter or occasional Monday fliers to highlight upcoming activities, and the “Mother Ship” is our portable bulletin board that you’ll see each week.

New Scouts are provided a Joining Checklist and a Troop 315 Trail Guide that will answer most of your questions. Our Scout‐Parents Unit Coordinator is your Troop liaison to help make your transition into the Troop seamless. We make you feel at home and provide many ways for you to get answers.

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